'Teach the world, live the dream!'

That is the saying here at teachanywhere!

Working abroad is the experience of a lifetime, and can develop your career in ways you can only dream of at home!  Many of our consultants have done just that as international teachers before they started working here to help you do the same!

So are you stuck in a rut at your current school? Thinking of packing a suitcase and leaving it all behind?  Do you wish you earned enough not just to survive, but to thrive, more reflective of all the time and effort you put in to your work?  If you answered yes, then read on for 8 reasons why you should feel the fear and start your international teaching journey now!

Why you should teach internationally



If you love to travel, working abroad is the perfect choice to see the world and get paid at the same time! Travelling long-term can be expensive, even if you’re sticking to a strict budget. It is even tougher if you have regular payments to maintain at home for example student loan costs or even a mortgage. You get to explore a new country on a whole new level, while earning a decent income and without sacrificing your career!



When we say 'decent income', we do mean it! That’s right, jobs abroad often pay much better than jobs at home. Also, with living costs being much lower in many countries we work with, and schools often paying you an accommodation allowance on top of your wage, or even providing your housing in full, you might even find you’re able to save a lot more than you would at home. This will allow you to travel even more during holidays if that’s what you want to do, and possibly in between work opportunities, or just save it all up and have a nest egg to return home with!



Whether you’re a serial traveller or this is your first trip abroad, you’ll gain new perspectives and learn things about yourself and your home country that you never knew before. No matter what country you move to, working abroad will undoubtedly lead you to learn new skills professionally as a teacher and as a person, pushing you out of your comfort zone. After all, navigating a new country and city without speaking the language makes you resourceful, and working in an international team will help to improve your broader communication skills.



Talking of language, consider it a bonus when you work overseas if you end up in a country where you don't actually speak the language! This gives you the unique opportunity to learn a new language abroad and practice your new skills with locals. This will not only help you better integrate into your new role, but also help you stand out from the crowd in the future. Learning a new language is associated with long-term benefits, like improved memory, improved attention span, and boosted creativity. So work overseas and boost your brain power!


Career development

Having an international assignment on your CV could boost your future employability. Your stint working abroad will prove that you’re flexible and independent, and help you stand out from the crowd. Most schools we work with offer extensive CPD to their staff, even assigning you a personal budget to choose where you want to focus your learning. Working abroad can also speed up your moves up the career ladder; with the natural turnover of staff overseas on temporary contracts being a lot quicker than with permanent jobs in the UK, opportunities to grow and be promoted may present themselves much faster!



Working abroad is such a great way to expand your professional network. While it’s already possible to network with people all around the world via online platforms, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, it’s a completely different experience to meeting people in real life. While you work abroad, you’ll be collaborating with locals and expats from other countries—this can expose you to new job opportunities (or opportunities in general!).  You will end up with a global circle of people who have your back and can help you get a leg up in future job hunts!


Do you stare at the jobs we advertise thinking, 'Wow, I'd love to do that, but I'm scared I'll be lonely travelling overseas on my own'?  Do you worry that working overseas as an 'expat' would be too different for you to cope with? I'm not going to lie, it is a daunting experience moving your whole life hundreds of miles away from friends and family, and once the initial excitement wears off, culture shock and uncertainty can creep in!  BUT getting past this inevitable baggage of living and working overseas can lead to one of the most rewarding experiences of your life!  There are many ways to combat these fears, especially by growing your social circle and reaping the benefits this can bring!  Know you will never be alone!  There will be lots of other teachers starting at the same time as you in the same location and even the same school, so first get to know your co-workers!  Schools will often organise staff activities, so put yourself out there!  To spread your net wider you could volunteer in the community with locals, join clubs or teams for activities that interest you in your spare time, and even do local cuisine cookery classes!   Use expat websites or apps to find groups that meet up in person too, the possibilities are endless!  In no time, you’ll be forming friendships with people from different backgrounds, some of which will last a lifetime, as the bond built under the unique pressures of living abroad will be like nothing else.

Cultural immersion

There’s only so much you can learn about a culture on a short vacation.  As an overseas worker, you won’t just be a visitor anymore, but a temporary member of that community. This insider view will give you a different perspective on all aspects of life, including family life and politics.  You’ll have the chance to really immerse yourself and learn about unique quirks and traditions from your local friends, which you’d never be exposed to on a vacation.  What an experience!
So do you have 'itchy feet'? Why not speak to us at Teachanywhere and see how we can help with this 'travel bug'?! We have been experts in this field since launching in 2004 to assist teachers of all levels and backgrounds find their ideal role in their dream location. Combining Teachanywhere’s size, expertise, and local knowledge we are able to advise teachers where in the world they are most likely to thrive professionally and as a person.  Why wait?!

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