When you think of networking, you may think of people all suited and booted mingling with each other over a finger buffet but that is not necessarily the case. Believe it or not, every day-to-day scenario has opportunity for networking and it is something that even teaching professionals should be looking at if they want to progress in their career.

Whether you have just stepped on to the bottom rung of the career ladder or are in a more senior role, a strong CV and your natural charisma will only take you so far in this generation where education employers have piles of applications coming through. So maybe it is time to think about how networking can give you the edge. Below, we give you three ideas to make networking work for you:

Seek out union meetings and other education-related events

It’s no secret that employers look positively upon recommendations from existing staff when they are looking for new members of staff. So how do you get to know other teachers and education professionals who are proactive and would be willing to recommend you? 

Start by joining your union and attending meetings and attending other relevant events in your field. These are the kinds of events where you are most likely to find the individuals you want to be networking with. Being present at these meetings also increases the likelihood of you being one of the first to find out about vacancies in other schools and therefore being able to get your application in first. Being visible to other teaching professionals and potentially other education employers who may attend the events too will help you to come across as someone interested in the future of teaching.

Get in touch with schools you are interested in

Having existing links to a school that you want work in can give your application a massive boost. If by chance, you have had the opportunity to already visit the school, have made a few contacts, even expressed interest in the extra-curricular maths club then you will be in with a much better chance of successfully making the shortlist of desirable candidates.

Slot out time for networking

You reap what you sow. Networking needs to be forefront of your mind if you want to reap the benefits. It may not be in the short-term but can definitely help you out in your career in the long-term. It is also key to note that mingling with like-minded professionals need not happen on just a face-to-face basis. Have a think about what digital channels you can utilise to connect too. LinkedIn is a great place to start and to join groups whereby you can get involved in relevant discussions and get your voice heard amongst other professionals. 

Sow the seeds early for career growth later. Meanwhile, click here if you would like to view our latest teaching roles if you are ready to apply.