Central Asia

Explore what Central Asia has to offer, if you are adverturous in sprit and want to enjoy unspilt beauty, this could be your next move.

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Central Asia  

For candidates looking for an unexplored and altogether more intriguing country to teach in, look no further than central Asia. Teachanywhere is seeing increasing demand for positions in Krygysztan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia where salaries can reach $5,000 a month. Candidates who aren’t driven by materialism and who might favour a quieter way of life should consider central Asia as their adventure abroad and discover what everybody else is missing.


Teaching in Central Asia


If you are adventurous in spirit and want to find some truly unspoilt parts of the world you could do worse than teaching in Central Asia, as this region opens up easily to the Western visitor. There is great potential for saving here, as the cost of living is low, and you will have the experiences of a lifetime. In most cases, two years of post qualifying experience are required.

Let Teachanywhere open your mind to this little known part of the world.  If your journey is as much about personal as professional development then this could be the destination for you.

Looking to work in Central Asia?

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